Why You Need Digital Marketing Goals for Your Nonprofit
Why do you think you need digital marketing?
Do you think…
You need to run Facebook Ads?
Your website needs to be redesigned?
You need to run Google Ads?
These are all tactics, but what is the actual problem you’re trying to solve by implementing digital marketing for your organization?
If you can’t get to the root of the problem you’re trying to solve, then you need to pump the brakes and read the rest of this post. Because the last thing you should do is start throwing money or time at digital marketing channels, without goals or a strategy.
Here are a few example goals you should be looking at:
Increasing engagement
Increasing leads
Increasing donations
From there you can reverse engineer goals and strategies that will help you reach these Big Picture Goals.
As you create these revenue goals, you must also be aware that these goals won’t be achieved overnight. Your digital presence may need more support than you realize. And if that’s the case you can’t even think about impacting some of these revenue goals until you get your digital house in order. You should be looking at your entire donors journey, because if you have a leaky donors journey (to use a plumbing analogy) then you’re going to be losing prospective donors.
If you’re not sure where to start when it comes to setting goals for digital marketing, or auditing your buyers journey, click here to schedule a quick Clarity Call with me. I’ll help you set goals and figure out where the leaks are in your buyers journey.
Otherwise, I’d love for you to download the free Digital Marketing Impact Map for your nonprofit. Download today and start creating your digital marketing goals!